There have been a few imitations of our products in the market, most likely amateur, using home-assembled equipment to generate so-called colloidal silver. As a result, compounds of silver are obtained (silver nitrates, nitrites and chlorides are toxic). Such machinery is unable to measure the concentration of the solution, and moreover, it is impossible to achieve a steady concentration of quality silver compounds that would release silver in ions.
The substance known in the market as “gold for injections” shows a range of adverse side effects resulting from surface contamination of the nanoparticles.
Such side effects, however, are in no way a feature of our gold which, generated through physical processes, is completely contamination-free. Monoatomic gold is still a fantasy, the scientific community has yet to develop a way to produce it, and if there really were any real method to extract it, the inventor of the method would instantly receive a Nobel Prize candidate status.
We are proud to inform you that our colloids are non-ionic, while our silver is in pure, metallic form. They are the only non-toxic colloids, generated with physical process that is completely waste-free and ecological. This patented process assures unchangeable quality that is so difficult to obtain using other production technologies. The use of out non-ionic colloidal nano-silver guarantees no risk of argyrosis
So please, do remember carefully how our products look, especially our colloidal gold and silver, and double-check if the address on the package is actually our company’s address.
Our nano-colloids constitute of metal split into unimaginably small particles - plates incorporating about 100 atoms each, dispersed in water. They are so small they can only be observed under the electron microscope: ten times smaller than the smallest of viruses, 200 times tinier than the most minute of bacteria. Our nano-colloids show some amazing properties:
• plate-like structure
• light resistant
• chemically neutral
• show high activity level at very small concentrations, and most importantly, harmless to animals and humans
• nano-colloids from other manufacturers are generated chemically, thus not showing such qualities.
So, why don’t you experience the highest quality of our products yourself?
• It’s a revolution in materials, whose structures and elements show unique and perfectly developed physical, chemical and biological features thanks to their nano-sizes. Nano-colloidal solutions of metals produced by our company are extremely small clusters of about 100 atoms each, dispersed in perfectly pure, demineralized water. Thanks to that, we manage to maximize the active surface. Our nano-colloids of metals show strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that are unheard of in traditional colloids.
Our colloids are labeled as non-ionic, which means that a strongly dispersed metallic phase of such colloids doesn’t contain chemically attached negatively charged anion groups, the metal itself is not in form a positive cation.
The nano-particle metal colloid metals produced by our company are free of the typical surface contaminations which typically accompany the chemically produced colloids. Non-ionic solutions of gold, silver, copper and platinum are made of pure metal (supplied by the very Mint of Poland) with the purity rate of 0.9999 or 0.999999, and the purity is preserved throughout the entire production process. &